
Hinweis: Die folgenden Informationen sind nur in Englisch verfügbar.

For each of the five majors in the curriculum, the Laboratory for Environmental Engineering (Luiw) organises and coordinates projects which the students have to attend according to their major.

Several projects are executed by the Luiw (thus detailed information on the projects contents can be found here), others are only coordinated by the Luiw but held by other groups or institutes.

All the Experimental and Computer Laboratory projects are building on the lectures in the corresponding modules. Material from these is a prerequisite or co-requisite (if the laboratory course takes place in parallel to the lecture) for participating in the Experimental and Computer Laboratory.

The projects corresponding to the different profiles and modules, as well as the organisation of the lab sessions in the Fall ans Spring Semester are listed in Fig.1, 2 and 3.

Vergrösserte Ansicht: Modules of Experimental & Computer Laboratory for the 5 profiles of the master curriculum
Fig. 1: Projects assigned to the different majors. The students have to participate the projects according to their major as indicated by the black dots. One additional project (grey dot) has to be chosen corresponding to one of the students elective modules.
Vergrösserte Ansicht: Organization of Environmental & Computer Laboratory, Fall Semester 2016
Fig. 2: Time schedule of the projets conducted in the fall semester. Greenish color indicates courses taking place in the morning, reddish color correspond to projects taking place in the afternoon. Some Projects are conducted twice.
Vergrösserte Ansicht: Organization of Environmental & Computer Laboratory, Fall Semester 2016
Fig. 3: Time schedule of the projets conducted in the spring semester. Some Projects are conducted twice.
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